17 October 2010

Your daily dose of pretty: Iron Fist Sweet Skull O Mine Boots from Kates Clothing

It was the buckles, platform, and sky high stiletto that attracted me to these boots at first glance. It was only when I looked closer that I realised what I first thought was a paisley print is in fact skulls. Scary looking, flower-decorated, silver stud-bedecked skulls. Awesome!

The Sweet Skull O Mine boots by Iron Fist are £80.99 from UK site Kate's Clothing (who ship internationally), and are also available on the Iron Fist website, who are US-based and also ship internationally.


  1. O I love these! But, I have to admit I'd never have the guts to wear them :(. I like this company also, I had posted some of their shoes last Halloween, they make the perfect Halloween shoes! I didn't know their website though, thanks for the link!

  2. @sparklingpinkgorilla - I could wear these happily I think. And yes they would be perfect for Halloween. I need a costume for taking the kids trick or treating! :D

    @Evadne Hatte - they have a flat shoe with the same skull print (http://www.shop.ironfistclothing.com/Ladies-Sweet-Skull-O-PID16193-IFL0308US.aspx) which I don't particularly like, but not a flat boot. :)

  3. Them are the bomb I cld wear them to the club
