Here's another haul that arrived today, this time a bulk lot of cosmetics that I bought off TradeMe with all sorts of exciting (and not so exciting) items.

The whole lot came in a cute little silvery clutch bag, a little worn round the edges but I can definitely see me getting some use out of it - that colour will go with most everything. In front of it a bottle of Body Shop Total Energy Exhilarating Body Wash (with guarana, bergamot and luffa) which smells divine, and three rings, two of which I'll wear and the flowery one which ... erm .... not really me.

Maybelline Express Finish Taupe Tulle (which surprisingly I find myself drawn to), Revlon Dark Pleasures Scarlet Letter (love the Dark Pleasures range) and BYS Lolly Lick (most definitely not my colour).

Maybelline Forever Metallic Lites in Snow Perle (one for 14 Year Old Daughter - too frosty pink for me), Maybelline Shiny-licious lip gloss in Strawberry Tart (cute colour, I do find these Maybelline glosses are of the glue your lips together and stick your hair to your face variety though), and a Body Shop Hi-Shine Lip Treatment.

A Benefit Justine Case mini beautifier kit (I seem to remember my sister getting one of these as a gift with purchase when she bought her GHD's). Contains an Eyecon brightening eye cream, a California Kissin' smile brightening lip shine, and Some Kind-A-Gorgeous The Foundation Faker. The kit would have originally come with a Benetint lip and cheek stain in rose, but I bought one of those in
Melbourne so no great loss.

A Maybelline XXL microfiber mascara in Very Black, a pink shimmer eyeshadow crayon which all the writing has rubbed off of, a Too Faced Liquid Light highlighting shimmer and a Castledew colorshot double ended eyeliner pencil (one end black, the other glittery white.
Swatches - on a hand which appears in the photo to be quite wrinkly around the wrist. This displeases me!

At the left is Body Shop Hi-Shine Lip Treatment, then from top to bottom Maybelline Forever Metallic Lites Snow Perle, Maybelline Shiny-licious Strawberry Tart, Benefit Some Kind-a-Gorgeous (too yellow for my skin), Benefit California Kissin', Too Faced Liquid Light, unnamed eyeshadow crayon (this one's definitely going to 14 Year Old Daughter - the colour's not quite right for my eyes plus the texture of eyeshadow crayons doesn't tend to work so well on not-quite-40-but-not-too-far-off eyelids), Castledew eyeliner black end and white end.
Lots of fun stuff to play around with in there. I didn't swatch the Benefit Eyecon eye cream because when I put it on my hand it didn't do anything - by which I mean I couldn't see it!
I spent some time this afternoon sorting out my polishes. I have to do this on a regular basis because my collection keeps outgrowing my storage. The Eccentric English Boyfriend would have me believe this is a good reason to stop buying polishes. To which I reply: "lalalalalalalala I can't hear you".

This is the storage trolley I keep all my polishes in - I like the fact that it's on wheels, when I'm doing manis I can wheel it out for people to choose their colour. You will notice at back right is Jessie, looking all stalky, and at left you can make out Fred who was in the middle of scratching his head against the couch. He makes the funniest little grunty noises when he does this.

The top tier, from left to right holos, duochromes and clear-based glitters, blacks, greys, whites golds and creams, reds, oranges and yellows.

The middle tier, from left to right yellow/greens, greens, blue/greens, blues.

The bottom tier, from left to right blurples, purples and pinks, and at the right my stash of untrieds.
And since my polishes have completely taken over the trolley, this lot had to go into containers.

At the back are my Seche Vite refill and my Seche Restore, then top row is manicure tools, a container of nail repair/treatments, hand creams and polish removers and a container of mini bottles of polish (unnamed or unknown brands). Front is my soaking dish (I always think these look like orange juicers!), a container of top and bottom coats and a container of nail art/Konad stuff.
Phew! I've seen lots of different storage solutions for us polish addicts. How do you store your polishes my pretties? Someone asked me the other day if I kept my polishes in the fridge, which made me laugh because although our fridge is huge if I put all my polishes in it there'd be very little room for anything else!
Wowowowowowowoweeeeeeeeeeeeee! Even better than the green! But then I am more of a purple/blue person.
ReplyDeleteI love these so much. They are 100% going on the list of polishes to ask my friend who lives in Australia to see if she can get them for me!
Ooops that comment was meant for the below post!!! Having one of those days....
ReplyDeleteI love that storage trolley. I'm going to do a post on my storage soon... I don't have as many polishes as you though! *drool*
Good grief mabe EEB has a point @_@
ReplyDeleteThat trolley was no where near that full when I came to visit, and that wasn't THAT long ago :P
*ducks and runs for cover*
Nice load of stuff to play around with. I like you storage trolley. You still have room in there. You need more poliah.
ReplyDeleteLucy, I ALWAYS need more polish! But don't worry, I'm working on it ...